Hi Guys
In Yorkshire for a while enjoying the cool air and a little rain. Oh my gosh I was in Almeria last week and everyday seemed hotter.
I don’t particularly like publicity but it goes with the job, so to speak! Did you ever watch yourself on television and think, oh no? Why did I look so horrible and snooty? Maybe it’s just because everyone is taller than me and I was just straining my neck. Ho ho!
I hated being the smallest in class. I hated being the smallest when I grew up and used to go out with the girls.
Even now I always wear heels. But what I have come to realise is we are what we are, and we would always change something, given the chance.
So be comfortable in your skin, accept others for who they are, and acknowledge their differences with positivity.
Do listen to the Marbella Life Style Television #inspiringcostakids campaign and if you fit the category, get writing.
Our interview starts from 7 minutes in 🙂 xxx
Luv and stuff