The secret to success in life lies is knowing what God has assigned and gifted you to do. I believe we were all born for a purpose and sadly most people never become what they were born to be.
Hum! A sobering thought.
In knowing your destiny work towards your goal. Life will throw up many demands and distractions which are designed to hinder you. Some activities will drain you, and unless they’re absolutely necessary—avoid them. Focus on the essential and let wisdom be your guide. If you’re lacking in that area, pray for it.
They say if you want something doing ask a busy person. I find this to be so true. In my discovery, celebrating 30 years in business this year – yes I’m celebrating – busy people seem to have the ability to plan, organise and most importantly delegate.
Is that why they’re successful? Well one factor certainly. I’m amazed the number of people who have crossed my path over the years, including some friends who declare they haven’t time to do something, yet they’re not nearly as busy as me.
OK. Work out the things that energise you, eat healthy, and exercise. Basically take care of your body. If you have a nice car you probably take better care of the car than yourself. Really? Yes! Don’t rush out every morning without breakfast. Your car needs fuel, so do you. Fill that tank with plenty of antioxidants and cut down on sugar.
Feeling like I need to write a book here. But seriously, 2 lovely little dogs and taking up swimming changed my life.
Now I appreciate walking, fresh air and the mindfulness and relaxation that swimming gives me.
So, number one priority is you. It isn’t selfish it’s a must. Why do they tell you on a flight in the case of an emergency to put on your own mask before assisting others? Obvious isn’t it? I remember one of the most heart-braking moments in my life was to turn someone away who needed help, but I knew I wasn’t well enough to support them. I got well and so did they, but it was a tough season.
So know when to retreat. Peace, quiet and mindfulness are all part of a necessary recipe for success.
I love to read about the life of Jesus. Nobody was busier than him, and we can learn so much from the way he lived. It is recorded in history that his workload was exhausting and if everything was written about his life there would be hundreds of books. Bearing in mind he died at the age of 33 years.
We can learn from his example. He knew the secret to spiritual rest and renewal. We know that he made a regular daily practice of withdrawing from the crowd in order to pray, consider His plans and priorities, and recharge His batteries.
So know when to say NO. Get rid of the distractions and the negative people that will drag you down and steal your dreams. Surround yourself with like minded people and focus.
Success is to be measured not by the fullness of your bank account but by the fullness of your achievements. The memories that you will treasure when you are older and the difference that you made in this life for the common good, is success.
Life is a journey. Enjoy it, and make every tumble part of your walk.
Oh and by the way, walk don’t run. You will get there quicker.
Best Wishes and have a great 2018