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More parents than ever ‘enjoy reading to children’

November 14, 2011

Parents who read to their children have said that it is the highlight of their day, according to a recent survey.

A study for the reading scheme Booktime suggested that parents in England and Northern Ireland are spending more time than before reading fiction to their kids for pleasure, BBC News reports.

The poll found that 71 per cent of parents enjoy reading to their children and that they spend on average one hour and 26 minutes a week reading a novel to them.

According to the 2011 research, the amount of time spent reading to children has increased 18 minutes from 2009.

The survey was carried out by polling service Opinion Matters and was commissioned by the publisher Pearson and the Booktrust, which sponsors the Booktime programme.

Viv Bird, chief executive of Booktrust, said: "It is good news that parents are spending more time reading to their children. But I think that parents are pretty busy people and the stress of daily life can get in the way."

She added that it is vital to reinforce the importance of reading to a child.

Currently, the bestselling children's book in the charts is Inheritance (Inheritance Cycle) by Christopher Paolini.