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January 6, 2025



‘Can’t believe another year gone by. I’m glad to see the end of that year! Let’s hope next year will be better!’

And plenty more quotes where they came from, not from me but spoken out by many who have struggled through. Some openly posted on social media, thanking family and friends for their support as they journeyed through various trials.

For many 2024 was a difficult year – and I can include myself in some aspects of that – but we made it.  As we reflect, let’s look at the positive and not the negative. I love that saying, ‘every day isn’t all good, but there’s good in every day. We just need to look for it.’

So, what really is a reflection and how do we measure the passing years, our lives, success and failures?

Do we look in the mirror or a shiny surface and see an ageing reflection. Not as youthful maybe, perhaps we disappointingly ask the question. Dear God where did they come from? Wrinkles darling, they call them wrinkles. What girl doesn’t moan about that? Some are grateful for Botox and fillers, but does that initiate the question as to what toxins we might be injecting into our bodies? You know my view on injectables! The massive amount of unnecessary children’s vaccines and ridiculous continuation of covid jabs, in spite of the colossal evidence of injuries, says it all. Wherever possible, let nature take its course and yes, we have an immune system.

With a positive mindset, when we see that image in a bathroom mirror or a shiny surface, let us smile. Take a few moments to linger and reflect.  We have come a long way, crossed bridges, climbed mountains and still we are going. Sadly, we lost friends and family on the way but heralded in new relationships, non-the- less. Perhaps we are thinking of those who have gone before us – in our opinion some far too young – but what would they say if they were here today? My bestie would certainly say. ‘Don’t give in, follow those dreams.’

An immeasurable number of people apparently have been known to say later in their lives how they wish they could regain those lost and missed moments.  Apparently, regret is an emotion – a negative emotion – that makes us feel worse, not better. It is somewhat like ‘mental time-travel.’ Did we do the best we could?  More importantly, did we keep going for that breakthrough or give in just before the winning post?

I have lost count of how many times I have given up on certain projects because of this and that, but by God’s Grace, found the zeal to start again.

One thing I have learnt is to be willing to look a fool in pursuit of what I believe. Plenty of people over the years have been mocked, ridiculed but refused to give in. As for me, I have had huge success in some areas but others disappointments. So, on that note, in my case whether it is that great Yorkshire Grit or a huge thank you for a few words from a stranger on a train, I’m certainly up and running again this year with those disappointments. I will not GIVE IN!

Indeed, gratitude to the sweet girl who I met on the flight to the lovely Island of Jersey at the end of December. I was going to celebrate New Year with friends. Sadly, she was going to visit family due to a bereavement. Amazingly we were on the same return flight to Manchester and even more intriguing the same connecting train to the North. I mention, I rarely do trains! So, we chatted and shared energetic and happy memories. Some more painful as she had just said goodbye to someone she loved dearly, as had I.

Sometimes sharing a story with a stranger can be therapeutic and thought provoking. Age immaterial, she was younger than my daughter and yet we had so much to offer each other in conversation.

I send blessing and prayers Dear Stranger as I know you will read this blog. Thinking of you as you return to the Island for the forthcoming funeral. As for me and my reflection, I don’t regret much in past years because it was my journey and every moment character building. Today could I boast and say that I have grown in wisdom? I think so!

Whatever! Today I will look in the mirror and reflect upon all my blessings. Not least the newest member of my family, a sweet granddaughter. I will thank God for those people who are still here and thank Him for those I have loved and have now gone, knowing I will see them again in His timing.


May 2025 be a special year for you, and always look for the Rainbows.


Chat soon.
