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Survey shows kids read more websites than comics

August 23, 2011

Research carried out by the National Literacy Trust has revealed that children in the UK now read more websites than they do comics.

The survey asked 18,000 eight to 17-year-olds across the country about their reading habits and it threw up some surprising results.

It found that while ten per cent of children claimed to have read ten or more books over the last year, 13 per cent said they had not read any.

Furthermore, half of kids read emails and websites more than once per month, while just over a quarter (27 per cent) read comics.

In addition, 19 per cent said they had never received a book as a present.

Meanwhile, new techniques are being employed at a school in London to help boost child literacy rates for its pupils.

Students at the Greig City Academy are learning to read in a more structured and nurturing environment, the Telegraph reports, using the methods of researcher Dianne Murphy.