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Bucket List

December 10, 2012

Bucket List

09 December 2012 09:00PM

I saw something on twitter recently when the question was raised. Did you do a bucket list and what was left, yet to be fulfilled for this year?

So I searched out my old journal and eagerly checked my 2012 list. Yes I do one and have for the past few years and it’s quite good fun to look back and see what you have accomplished. Remarkably, only a handful left out of a total list of 50. Didn’t she do well!

Then I was prompted to look for my 2011 list and found a few more not ticked.  Oops! Should I have carried them forward?  Actually no, because with the passing of time I didn’t really care about those things anymore.  Change of views, priorities, new heart desires.  Whatever! Making a bucket list is fun and as the year is nearly out I’ll be making another soon.

So what is left over for 2012? Let’s see…

1)      I had planned to go to the theatre more often so, just booked Cinderella with the granddaughters and a couple of other theatrical delights before Christmas. But, must get to see Matilda in London too.

2)      I wanted to walk along the sea-front with someone special.

3)      Re visit my friends and some old haunts on the Costa Del Sol

4)      Stay at the Ritz and have afternoon tea at the Dorchester.

5)      Complete at least one more book.

6)      Have a day at Whitby and eat fish and chips whilst strolling along.

7)      Walk the city walls in York, again!

8)      Explore Lorca, Cartagena and a few more Spanish cities.

9)      Visit at least 2 institutions working with kids on the streets of London.

10)   Get 500 followers on Twitter.

11)   Do a picture blog of a couple of weeks in my life.

S-o-o-o, just sorting out my pictures for my ‘picture blog.’  I will put them on tomorrow. Promise!

The other things on the list, we will see. Running out of time!




Is he on my Bucket list?