AnnaMcKann Menu



May 18, 2013


15 May 2013 11:00PM



Don’t ask me why I decided to blog about champagne, other than I thought it might be of interest to some of you girlies out there.

Having just spent most of the day sorting out problems – or looking on the positive side, obstacles waiting to be overcome – I then tuned into Sky TV to listen to nothing but bad news so, I decided to pour myself a refreshing martini and lemonade and relax with the local paper.

Now I’m not a champagne drinker myself but scanning the paper for good news I read about the British woman who had launched a sugar free, low calorie champagne. Do I care? Not really, but someone might. Now I never really liked the stuff, and always thought it was overrated. I certainly couldn’t understand why people were willing to pay such extortionate prices for it. Do I sound a bore? Whatever, that’s my opinion.  Anyway, apparently the ex- showbiz reporter was afraid she was gaining too much weight due to the excessive amount of champagne that she consumed at VIP parties. What, couldn’t she say No?

Well seemingly she left her job as a journalist, moved to France, and began studying on a one year wine course with an elite cookery school, followed by a period of research in the champagne region of the north-east.

She has now been instrumental in the development of a  ‘zero dosage’ champagne, which basically means that sugar has not been added during manufacturing, unlike traditional champagne. The calorific value in a glass of this champagne is significantly less than those found in most glasses of sparkling wine.

Some restaurants in the UK have now agreed to stock the champagne. Will it be a best-seller? Let’s wait and see.

I fancy another martini and I’m going to work on my next book. Will it be a best seller? Let’s see.

Chat soon
