AnnaMcKann Menu



April 25, 2012


30 March 2011 12:00AM

Last night I tumbled  into bed, later to feel elevated. No not literally, but spiritually of course. Worn out physically from trecking around the book fair, I had the privelege of meeting some very interesting and inspiring people.

Men and women with drive, focus, committment and guile. Men and women who strive for excellence and will not give in. Determined to succeed in the world of publishing-perhaps one of the most difficult markets to break into-these people with vision and stories to tell, kept going.

Soooo, Anna McKann- If I learnt one thing today, it is keep going. Or in my case. Keep Chavosing!

Elizabeth Taylor, famous for her many quotes once said,” I had to fight for what I believed in.”

Therefore guys, if you are reading this blog, be encouraged. If it was easy, everyone would do it! Fight for what you believe in.

I believe there is coming a day when Sharon House Publishing will have one of the best stands at the Bologna Book Fair. When the Chavos range will be transalated into many different languages.

And, kids will be Chavosing world wide.


OK  What happens today?

Just had breakfast. Sauteed broccolli, tomatoes au gratin, scrambled eggs and sausages. Sounds good eh! Lots of cakes and pastries, but can’ t stomach them for breakfast. Or can I?

Yellow roses everywhere in this hotel. I love them. Especially when they are on my breakfast table every morning. Not to eat mind!

There don’t seem to be any Brits here. Every nationality but… Glad I speak a little Spanish, it does help. Simalarities to Italian of course.

Let’s see if everywhere I go, they are eating ice cream again today. Uhm!  I could come back to the UK really fat. Good job I am doing so much walking to fight off those calories.

Will update you later. Have a nice day ye all.

Anna x