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Chavosing in London!!!

February 28, 2013

Chavosing in London!!!

26 February 2013 01:00AM

Well what a day that was!

I arrived at Kings Cross late morning and took a cab straight to Lupita East, just in time to witness 30 kids making their own guacamole under the instruction of Mexican Chef Marco, who in my opinion has to be the best.


After a morning of fun but, educational activities well planned  – this is school after all –  the kids from year 6 at Hampstead Parochial C.E Primary School, were just about to enjoy lunch and sample some great Mexican delights.

By the time they were all ready to leave mid-afternoon, following a quick presentation from me, and some insight into what they would be doing when I visit their school later this week, they all left having had a thoroughly amazing time. Buzzing was an understatement, leaving me with nothing but great respect for the teachers who had to bravely escort them via the underground back to Hampstead. Actually, in the kid’s defence they were excitable but when told to fall into line they soon found their partners and left two by two, well behaved but, exchanging giddy chatter about the day’s events.

So the idea which was birthed as the result of a simple friendship between one of the management at Lupita and the year 6 teacher, just looks as though it might catch on with more school visits planned for later in the year.

Nicky Cox Editor of First News – The award-winning weekly newspaper for young people age 7-14, which I love to read, by the way…

You just have to feature this one.

Then after a coffee and a chat with a few friends I headed to Belgravia Books in Ebury Street, to meet the author Jeffrey Lewis and share a glass of red wine and nibbles at his first London launch of,  ‘The Inquisitor’s Diary.’

Another book purchased to go on the ever increasing reading pile at home. Not to mention I need to get on with my own writing. Two half-finished books is simply not good enough.

Drrrr. Not enough hours in the day.

Chat soon.
