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Child literacy improvement methods offered by think tank

August 4, 2011

Parents have been offered a series of suggestions by the independent think tank CentreForum on how to improve the literacy levels of their children.

The first recommendation was to sit with their offspring and read from books for younger readers for 15 minutes each day in order to build up vocabulary.

A further 20 minutes should be spent playing with infants on the floor, while also being sure to turn the television off for at least 20 minutes daily to allow parents to talk.

Finally, CentreForum claimed children will develop better if their efforts are met with a positive attitude and praise, as well as a healthy diet.

Responding to the organisation's early years learning advice, MP Graham Allen said: "This is an excellent report: a national parenting campaign is exactly what Britain needs. CentreForum proposes a powerful set of ideas by which this can be achieved."

Mr Allen was the author of the Independent Report to the government Early Intervention: The Next Stops.