It’s not often I have time to go into nursery and have fun. I’m the one usually stuck behind a desk.
But recently, I had a great time with some of my nursery children at Rainbow Childcare, talking about the life and habits of a spider, and reciting my poem about Claudia Spencer.
Even I hadn’t realised how beautiful and colourful spiders could be – until I started to do some research for the children.
It’s surprising how many people scream and run in the opposite direction when they find a spider in the house. And it is so important to teach our children that these spiders are actually nothing to be frightened of. Each year we arrange for the company – Zoolab – to host a session with the nursery children and bring some creatures and mini-beasts. Last year I was asked, quite categorically, please DO NOT let them bring any tarantulas! Let’s see what happens this year when they visit. But I suspect the children will be less fearful than the staff.
Below, with kind permission from their parents are some of the children who drew their version of Claudia Spencer for me.
Please click on the short stories and poems section to read Claudia Spencer’s story – tissues at the ready!