So here’s a note to all those writers out there.
Ever dreamed about being discovered? Of course you/we have! Will someone notice your writing and offer you that amazing life changing deal?
I/we wish!
I suppose the only way to become a good writer is to write. Find your writer’s voice and write. Now in my case life gets in the way and I don’t have as much time to write as I would like. Know that feeling? Each week I aim to put more time aside for writing and then seem to get sucked into other things. Whilst I am thrilled that my series of picture books is coming to fruition – with seven fabulous books in the Rianbo’s Travels series published this year – what I need to do is spend some serious time working on more of my children’s novels. So time to get on with Chavos 3.
Self promotion, getting noticed and ultimately selling those books is a tough call and one thing which I have learned much to my cost is that self publishing is not for the faint hearted. That said, these past few years have been challenging but tremendously rewarding, and I wouldn’t change a thing.
Some might consider writing to be a long hard slog and I recently read an article about the difference between successful and unsuccessful writers. Basically, the former never give up.
Two quotes that I pinched from a recent article,-
Don’t wait for something to happen, make it happen.
You don’t get what you wish for, you get what you work for.
So here’s to all those would be writers out there. Get on with it, make time and write that story.
Chat soon.