How many of us really endure, or do most people give up when things get tough?
Thinking about success, it undoubtedly goes hand in hand with endurance. Yes there are people in life who are just lucky, but most have to endure to achieve.
As a woman in business, I think of some of the projects I have pioneered. Of course it’s important to know when it’s sensible to let something go, but all too often people surrender their dreams far too prematurely.
Sometimes it’s the fear factor, other times shear exhaustion and ultimately finance plays its part.
But what if they had pushed through that barrier? Endured just a little bit longer?
One of the things in my life is the desire to see a musical production based on my children’s books-Chavos.
Leading such a busy life I have worked on this project on and off for some considerable time.
More recently I have tried to move it on, but as it gains momentum and seems to be happening, so it comes to an abrupt end once again. I have lost count how many times I have agreed a setting, production team, musicians and more, yet to hear the proverbial, ‘ somethings cropped up, it’s on hold.’
Well I have endured, taken time out and waited. Then, when it felt like the right time, I’ve set off again.
From talented musical directors wanting to work with me but busy schedules got in the way, to promises of people who actually when it came down to basics couldn’t deliver. And the ultimate, a case of plagiarism and someone trying to steal my music. I’ve seen it all.
But I’ve endured!
Taking encouragement from the life stories of many successful people, I don’t intend to give in.
So my word to you today is endure.
If you feel it, see it, breathe it and dream of it. Keep going!
Let determination and endurance be your masters. I wonder how many people give in just before their breakthrough.
Chat soon.