18 October 2011 12:00AM
Esta Vida Loca!
— That means this crazy life if you don’t know any Spanish or didn’t guess that one.
Eleven days to go to the Chavos Ball. Soooooo excited, but in the past two weeks there have simply not been enough hours in the day. I have visited several schools, done a mad dash to London with my little grand-daughter to celebrate her birthday. Done tons of stuff in the office and had a tooth out, which went wrong. Poor me! The result was stitches and obviously a sore mouth for days.
Awh… I know you didn’t need to know that, but just thought I’d drop that one in for sympathy.
Actually, I had a fab time in London with a two hour trip around the city on an open top turi bus. The weather was kind to us in spite of the fact that the night before it rained cats and dogs and we had to dry the seats on the bus before we could sit down. Another Awh… and why do we say rained cats and dogs? Uhm. Well we hopped off the bus at Buckingham Palace for a quick visit and then back on again to finish the tour. My little grand-daughter waited patiently watching the royal balcony and asked why the Queen didn’t come out. I explained that she only did so on special occasions such as weddings and birthdays, to which she waited even more patiently and exclaimed. “But it’s my birthday nanny.” Awh!
So back to the ball. I wonder if any frogs will turn up. Will I get to kiss one and of course will he suddenly be transformed into a Prince? Whaaat! I thought everyone knew that story. OK so I’m too old to be belle of the ball, but maybe I will get to make a wish and be ten years younger. Blast. I knew I should have invited that guy. What’s his name? GOK? Whatever it’s going to be the best ball I’ve ever been to, and you too if you’re going. If you read my last blog you will get an entertainment update. Is this a ball or a show you might ask? I think both actually.
I want to say a huge thank you…in advance… to all those people who are contributing their time and efforts FREE to make this an extra special event. A big cheer to those who are travelling from North Yorkshire, London, Wales and even Sussex and beyond to be with us, and to the many folk who are staying overnight anticipating one too many tequilas, no doubt. I know the breakfast at the Queens Hotel is good. I tried it for you!
Thank you so much to people who have donated raffle and auction prizes and have given money to our proposed charity work, even though they are not coming to the ball. The money will be spent wisely, that I can promise you.
So, we are on count down. WYSPA Street Dancers are rehearsing furiously. The musicians are off the alcohol and our soprano is drinking lots of water. As for me, I should stop eating chocolate if I want to squeeze into that ball gown and I really should do something with my hair!
See you at the ball.
Anna xx