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Father’s Day

June 21, 2012


17 June 2012 05:00PM


Well, I just had to do a Father’s Day blog didn’t I?  In spite of the fact I didn’t get to see my daddy on the actual day, I did manage to have a bite at the local pub in the park with him and presented him a bottle of his favourite whisky which never fails to put a smile on his face.

Then the rest of the day I spent racing around, catching up on errands, packing for my Mexico trip, and I went to Church!  The message most suitably was about fathers and how we should honour them, leading onto our Father in Heaven!

Personally I think it’s such a shame that they have taken God out of so many of our schools and huge numbers of people in society today think they don’t need Him in their lives. Many even question His existence, or seem quick to blame Him for all the things that are going wrong in their lives. He did give man free will you know. So be it, each to his own! For sure I will never try and force my views on anyone. Suffice to say that, He’s there for those who search long and hard enough.

 ‘Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you,’ the Bible says. Ha! Ha! Now it sounds like I’m preaching!

So this past weekend for me at least, was about honouring my real daddy who I love to bits. Now, that’s such a strange expression, why do we say that? And, spending time with my Father in heaven! The worship was lively and the men even serenaded us.

Then shopping, and I so hate shopping, even though my friends tell me that is most unusual for a woman. Is it?    

The truth is I find it such a bore whether it’s a food purchase or clothes. Give me on-line shopping any day. Besides, I consider myself most fortunate that my best buddy has her own shop in town which seems to stock everything that I like.  A coffee, a glass of wine and a new frock, how fab is that?  As for shopping malls, I hate them and try to avoid them at all cost.

So shopping finished I sped off to spend a few lovely hours with my little granddaughter who never ceases to amaze me.


Chat soon.
