I don’t like slugs and snails and just returned home to find all these tiny little monsters circling my doorstep. Ergh, crunch! I flattened three at least. How yuk!
Then I started thinking about the Spanish slug crisis.
What’s the difference between a slug and a snail? I’m told a slug is a snail with a housing problem. Well, well!
Anyway, I had just been reading about the so-called crisis in the Spanish paper in the airport lounge just before my flight. Yes, a slug crisis. What on earth, is all that about?
Well it seems I’m a seasoned traveller and going backwards and forwards to Spain more than ever now. And whilst I should be telling you about the awesome things I am doing in Spain, I just had to mention the slug invasion first.
So apparently, an invasion of Spanish slugs is set to devastate UK gardens as they crossbreed to create ‘superslugs’.
Hum! Do I feel the inspiration for a new children’s story coming on?
Well, a bug known as the Arion Vulgaris seemingly breeds twice as fast as its British relatives and is immune to most control methods. It can eat up to 20 slug pellets without being effected. They are now mating with the British species and producing ‘superslugs,’
How did they get here originally? On lettuce leaves or something similar I suppose.
What I found quite hilarious is that there is one sure way to kill them. Put out a saucer of beer which they are attracted to. Once they have crawled into it they drowned.
If I didn’t read the date 27th April on the newspaper I would have been convinced it was an April Fool.
And even then, I wasn’t sure so I googled it. Oh, my gosh, it’s true, it’s true.
One headline read,’ an invasion of sex-mad Spanish slugs can only be stopped with beer.
Ha ha ha! Wonder if it matters which brew?
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