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Fight For Libraries campaign encourages literacy

October 17, 2011

A fight to save the nation's libraries and to maintain the focus on the importance of literacy is at the forefront of one campaign.

The Bookseller is running an initiative to encourage people to make the most of library books before turning to the growing trend of e-books, according to a campaign description running on Facebook to gain support.

It has been argued that books are an essential "seed-bed" for the reading culture of society from which everyone benefits.

According to the provider, 27 per cent of the population use libraries for the free internet access.

The Bookseller's manifesto states: "[Libraries] provide books to people who wouldn't otherwise see or afford them, the youngest in society, the oldest and people on low incomes."

Decisive leadership from the government to support, preserve and improve library services is needed to save the nation's lending services, according to the campaign.

Campaigners for Brent libraries lost a judicial review claim in the High Court against six library closures.