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April 28, 2014

Well yesterday was one of those patience teasers with everything that I tried to do being somewhat hampered. Previous planning just didn’t happen and those irritating gremlins insisted on making hard work of everything not least when I turned on the computer.

Now I know stuff happens but why do people keep changing their plans, hence messing up those of my own? And I’m talking business connections here not trivia.

Well thankfully the day did end on a positive with a lovely Chinese buffet, not done that for a long time and some thought provoking discussion on de-cluttering.

Yes, I think I’ve reached another of those life changing moments, as we do, when we have to make some serious decisions and let go of stuff to move on. We can’t become all that we’re meant to be if we don’t allow change and insist on hanging onto the past. It’s hard I have to say, especially as some of the things that have to go are most loved. Then what’s to say there isn’t something better around the corner?

Is it time to re-evaluate your life? Is a new job calling, a new home, re-location perhaps. It’s so difficult to let go of the old and step out of our comfort zone, so all too often we don’t move on. We stay in that proverbial rut and moan and complain about things, well whose fault is that?

Someone said to me yesterday, ‘what are you willing to leave behind to reach the top?’ No one ever climbed Everest with stuff in the back-pack they didn’t need. Uhm, time to de-clutter and get rid of that excess baggage as Ryanair would say.

There can be a heavy price to pay for excess baggage. Don’t pay it!

So whether it’s time to spring-clean the house and make a trip to the charity shop. Get rid of some of those negative thoughts and feelings that are not helpful and most definitely holding you back. Or, maybe a relationship has to go! Throw off everything that hinders you, de-clutter and move on.

Yesterday I was frustrated, today I will walk in freedom.

Chat soon.
