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May 21, 2015

Ok so what do you call it when you are typing away and suddenly those devastating words flash before you, ‘a file has corrupted,’ and all that work is gone? Thankfully it doesn’t happen too often but once is too often enough.

So I wrote a blog last night and those of you who read my blogs know that I put a lot of thought into them, consequently I was quite teed off when I lost it.

No doubt I will re-write it when I can be bothered or have the time, but meanwhile I wanted to share this.

Memories of the London Book Fair, video footage courtesy of the lovely Laura Garcia, multimedia journalist.

So where to from here? Hum thinking!

Lots to do, many avenues before me but someone has just thrown a bucket of cold water on one of my ideas. Not to worry, I’ll get over it! Meanwhile watch this.

▶ 2:17

5 May 2015 – Uploaded by Sharon House

A small feature about Sharon House Publishing’s first time exhibiting at The London Book Fair …



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