Just a quick blog as I pause for thought.
‘I just don’t get it – dressing up children as dead people covered in blood or witches or the devil …. and then we lament about the evil in the world and cry over real dead children. People there is a real dark side out there – it’s not happy or fun..so why celebrate it?’ #justsaying
I read this on Facebook yesterday.
Well I couldn’t have said it better.
As a young parent and now as a young grandma, I have always disliked Halloween.
I never did like horror movies, occult or anything even mildly scary, but what I don’t understand is the mentality of parents who think it’s fun to pretend to be evil and have wounds oozing blood, vampire fangs and scary faces.
What about poor little Johnny when he’s having nightmares?
Yes my dear Facebook friend. Thousands of us hate Halloween. And I’m not speaking from a religious/faith based point of view at the moment, I’m just being real.
There is an evil force in the world with children suffering from abuse, cruelty of all kinds, kidnap and murder. Yes did we forget how many children disappear every year? Do we choose to ignore the fact that witchcraft is very real and is thriving today? Do we choose to forget how many people are serving prison sentences for harming our children. I speak from truth. The facts are there.
Do you really want to celebrate a festival where children all over the world are still sacrificed today? The most important day on the witches calendar is Halloween.
Do your own research. Your children are worth it.
Chat soon.