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It’s a dogs life

July 4, 2013

As I am setting a few days aside this week to finish some writing, I was also brain-storming a few ideas for future projects. One being,  I simply have to write a picture book about my two little dogs, Butler and Gracie. Yes, how we love our dogs!

So cute, inquisitive and loyal, I often wonder what is going through those little minds. Could it be something like;-


Why do they say it’s a dog’s life’ cos actually if they were a dog for a few days they would find out that actually it’s a hard life. We have very little choice in this world, have to do what we are told and patience; well we need buckets of it!

Let us make some suggestions how you could improve our lives a little, seeing as you keep telling us you love us s-o-o-o much…


  • It would be nice to go for a walk when we want to and not when you decide to take us.
  • It would be fabulous to have more variety in food. Forget what the vet says about dog food being good for us. He doesn’t have to eat the same thing every day. If he did he would realise how boring that is!
  • When we are chilling on the sofa, could you please leave us instead of pushing us off with those irritating repetitive words, ‘I sit here; you have your doggy cushions.’ What happened to that word called sharing, which you all too often use when the children don’t want to share their sweets with you?
  • Can you explain why we are never allowed in the bedroom and what’s this about comfy beds? Yes we have comfy beds but we prefer yours. Its back to sharing again, isn’t it?
  • Do you really have to go to work, come home and then go out again, even if you do take us for a walk in between? I know we have each other but don’t you realise we just want to be with you, so how about this for a suggestion. Take us to work with you. We promise to sit on a doggy cushion in the corner and be good. We promise not to jump in your comfy chair as soon as you nip out to go to the bathroom. Well we will try! Or better still; take us to the bathroom with you.
  • And just another thought, please drive slowly ‘cos we don’t like it in the back of the car. Ever thought we might get car sick? And it would be nice to look out of the window and take in the scenery. Actually, thinking about it that’s a good idea, ‘cos then we would be so interested in the things around us it would take our minds off the car sickness. Yes, and we could bark when we see somewhere nice to walk especially a park, so that would make it easy for you to know our likes and dislikes.


Just a few suggestions!  I’ll think of some more but I need to go out for a pee. Oh blast, why didn’t you leave the door open for us? Now we have to hold it till you return, and you wouldn’t like it if your boss at work said, ‘hold it for a couple of hours’, now would you?



I’ll have a nice doggy biscuit to take my mind off the fact that I need to pee. You left some and said they were nice but how do you know, you didn’t even try one? And there’s only one left so we will have to share!


Will you be home soon?

Your doggies x