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Kings Cross-return

September 4, 2013

Well that has to be one of the quickest visits to London I’ve ever made, but then I suppose there are plenty of people doing a quick return. Usually I manage to secure several meetings together and with an overnight stay have time to meet with friends and take the opportunity to do a quick theatre visit or something. That’s not to say I didn’t meet with someone very special today, though fleetingly, and I would love to have had more time.

So a meeting at Lupita East to discuss our ‘Food for Others’ programme and a meeting with the directors from the company,  KanKun Sauce, and then how I managed to catch the 8.30 train back to Yorkshire has to be a miracle.

So looking forward to being back in London on 20th September for a writer’s conference and I will be going to the Garrick Theatre to see, Rock of Ages.  Looking forward to it.

Meanwhile, what’s on the agenda for this week?  Work, work and plenty more where that came from. Not complaining ‘cos there are plenty of people in the world who would give anything to have my life, not least in Syria.

Keep them in your prayers and if you are in London go to Lupita and taste some of their delicious tacos, not forgetting to check out those food for others dishes, because for everyone they sell we get 30pence towards our children’s charity work in Mexico City.

That reminds me, our website is down at the moment because the new one will be launched shortly.

Keep you posted and chat soon
