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August 6, 2024

A few months ago, I was asked to speak at a business conference on the premise that I am an interesting person. Well, that brought laughter to my soul!

I tried everything I could think of to escape the event, but the organiser insisted. So, agreeing reluctantly I pondered on my topic.

What came to mind was to speak from the heart. The topic Legacy! I was suddenly inspired, made a few notes, exercised a little research, and bingo. I quickly had everything planned. When a task or project comes together with such speed and efficiency, you know it is meant to be.

That was the beginning of something far greater than I expected, which ultimately led me to speak more recently at a Women’s Conference to a much larger group of women. Well, a few men sneaked in on the premise that they were assisting. The sound guy, photographer and a couple more!

Seems they enjoyed the event, and one was quite stirred apparently to question what his legacy would be.

Indeed, Legacy is not always that which immediately springs to mind. Cash, dollars property and assets, maybe. But there is a far greater legacy of love, wisdom, values and more.

I truly believe the definition of a lasting legacy is the positive impact our lives have on other people, friends, colleagues, even strangers. Our legacy surely is the sum of the personal values, accomplishments, and actions that resonate with the people around us.

Certainly, mine has to be that I made a difference in the life of a child(ren). And not just my own, be that I now have 5 granddaughters. How did that happen I wonder? Well, I think we know the answer to that, and whilst we all looked forward to the 5th and final being a little boy, how blessed we are with such a beautiful mischievous precious little girl.

So, I did my presentation on Legacy. Hopefully encouraging many to push through, to be all that they were born to be, and to dig deep. Discern what are those hidden gifts yet to be released. There’s always more to give and how wonderful to look back on our lives, smile and be able to say I left a great legacy.

I scanned YouTube, as I always love to find a piece of music akin to any presentation that I do, and  discovered a song by a Christian musician. Nichole Nordeman.

I then added it to my Conference Power Point – with permission of course – and if you click the link, you will be able to listen to the beautiful song.

My final comment is one of friendship and the greatest legacy a beautiful friend left me – when she died – was of encouragement. A wonderful girl who refused to give in and fought her battles, supporting others whilst she continued her own journey.

Her final WhatsApp message which I will never delete was follow the rainbow, and never give in.

As I think of her now, I cry out. Thankyou Jayne. Forever in my heart.

Chat soon.
