Just been thinking about lemons!
I know it’s a random thing to say but probably because I was contemplating calling at the grocery store when I leave the office today, and suddenly realised I’m out of lemons.
The modest lemon seems to have become a big part of my life this last few months, and a glass of hot water and freshly squeezed lemon is the first thing I have every morning, before I even think about coffee and toast.
Actually, I don’t even do that now, I’m on the green tea malarkey! Unless I’m in Spain of course and then it has to be coffee doesn’t it?
Don’t seem to have much toast either these days, but then I’m rambling again.
Back to lemons…
…Apparently a glass of lemon water when we wake is perfect for elimination. Yes, getting rid of all those unhealthy toxins that the body has been processing during our sleep. It’s also reported to boost energy levels and promote healthy endorphins causing us to be in a more positive frame of mind as we begin the day.
So here’s a few facts that I learnt about the lemon.
1) Lemons have a high vitamin C content. It is a fact that 50ml of lemon juice a day covers the recommended daily vitamin C intake.
2) Lemon water, – particularly warm – cleanses the skin.
3) I think we all know that when we are feeling rough or have a cold, hot water with the juice of a lemon and honey is excellent.
4) Water with lemon boosts the digestive system and has a noticeable impact on ridding the body of stomach aches.
5) If you are hung over from the night before, lemon juice is perfect for detoxing and purifying the body.
6) Lemons contain potassium which helps to control blood pressure and stimulate brain and nerve functions.
7) Lemons have great anti-bacterial qualities and the juice has a calming effect on coughs and allergies.
And if you research I’m sure you will find more benefits to making the lemon part of your daily diet.
Buy them fresh when they smell delicious and keep them in the fridge in the vegetable drawer. They will last longer.
Chat soon.