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London Book Fair

April 10, 2014

A couple of days in London, a few hours at the London Book Fair with nothing new to impress me, then back to Yorkshire for the weekend and a birthday bash to remember. My dear dad is **** oops! Not allowed to say, but on a positive note he looks at least 15 years younger and, with attendance at the local gym several times per week, he can still put most of those younger guys to shame.

So now on the train after a hearty English breakfast and those awkward moments when you wonder why you bother to be so pleasant to everyone in the dining room, when only the old lady in the tweed jacket can muster a good morning and a smile. Not that I particularly want to talk to every stranger I meet.But when the sun is shining through the bay windows, the lovely smell of fresh croissants and homemade jam is in the air, and you have to share a tablecloth. Come on, muster a smile at least.

It’s that positive thought again, today is going to be a good day. Or are you getting used to those nasty toxins? Now come on?

Nice to visit Lupita again and have a catch up with the boys. Delicious tacos as always from chef Marco. Luv those guys!
Luv the tacos more.

And planning a big Chavos Brand launch at the London Book Fair 2015.

Chat soon.
