Well not exactly missing, not lost this time but for Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17…. 298 passengers dead.
The sadness is overwhelming if we think too much about this incident and the sickening things that are manifesting in our world today. Then I suppose since the beginning of man there has always been horrors to contend with, but we try to think of ourselves as more civilised today. I wonder!
I believe with all my heart that we are accountable, yes that there is a day of reckoning when we depart this world and we will all have to stand and give an account and be judged. Oh my gosh! I sound like a preacher. Uhm! That I am not! But yes I am harping on about the wickedness behind the shooting down of Malaysians Airlines Flight, or is it perhaps because it was where it shouldn’t have been in the first place? Why was this flight in a ‘no-fly’ zone flying at just 1000 feet in a troubled area? Whatever, all those innocent people just going about their business and suddenly their lives ended. And what about all those left behind grieving for their loved ones? Their lives will never be the same either.
So now I’m going into a preach again. I’m just a simple Yorkshire girl – if I can say that now at my age – who believes in live and let live but…. Yes there’s a BUT coming! When life gets you down, when horrible things happen…there is a God who cares. He hates the evil of man’s behaviour as much as we do and HE will deal with the perpetrators in HIS time.
So guess that is somewhat of a preach after all and I pray for all those families who have to contend with their grief today.
For everyone else please try and have a lovely day and stay positive.
Chat soon.