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Mexico Blog 0.3

June 22, 2012

Mexico Blog

21 June 2012 08:00PM

A good night’s sleep and I expected to wake up to sunshine and probably that jet-lag disorientation sort of feeling. Not so. I felt just fine, other than the fact that the hotel didn’t provide any form of tea or coffee making facilities in the room and I was desperate for that good old cup of English breakfast tea. Peering through the windows all I could think was this is Mexico so what happened!

It’s the rainy season, that’s what happened. Blast. It feels like home. It’s cold and wet which immediately led me to think of all the kids who slept out last night on the city streets. Uhm!

In spite of the grim weather today turned out to be just as I had hoped; – a relaxing settling in day and an opportunity to catch up with my great Mexican friend who I have described these past few years as no less than a sister. What I had forgotten was how crazy she was, and how crazy I became when I was in her company. Needless to say it became a crazy afternoon to be concluded when some nut-case jumped into the hotel swimming pool in his clothes. Yes, some hotels in Mexico City do have swimming pools, though they tend to be on the roof. Clearly the water must have been freezing, even though the rain finally passed and the sun tried to shine. Do you think he had consumed too many tequilas, even at this early hour?

Now helicopters keep landing on the roof, so that gives you a clue that this hotel pool is not on the roof, but something clearly is going on. Is there a party that I haven’t been invited to? It’s a shame but, I am only checked into this hotel for 3 nights and then I’m moving into an apartment. I would love to stay here ‘cos there’s a real buzz, but the visa card is not happy with the prospect and not very flexible at the moment.

So the first day over having been reminded of how great Mexican food really is, I’m now chilling and watching CNN, American Network and some Mexican soap – not all at the same time of course!   

I forgot how much I love Amanpour, Dr. Phill and Mexican comedy.

Tomorrow the work begins.

Habla pronto.
