1.30am and just thinking about getting some sleep. Had a great evening but if you ask me doing what, the answer is I don’t really know. We all have evenings like that when we potter. A little bit of this and a little bit of that, probably nothing really exciting but necessary.
Actually, I have chatted with friends, watched some Mexican TV, sorted out my stuff ready for my return to the UK and…what did she say? Yes, return to the UK in a few days. But watch this space because anything can happen between now and then, especially as Mexico goes to the polls tomorrow. Oops, no. Today!
I just received a call from one of my Mexican friends and she said, ‘Anna, this is the worst time to come to Mexico.’
As long as they don’t close the airport we will be fine. Ha! ha!
And I think we all know who is going to win. Its fixed isnt it? I cant believe they were actually on TV this week signing an agreement that they would accept defeat quietley if they lost. What a crazy carry on.The party leaders might behave but what about the people? How many thousand were in the Zocolo earlier this week supporting Obrador? All of Mexico some say. Well may be not quite. But guys, your man is not going to get in. But then apparently they admit he did win the last election after all. But that’s what I hear. What do I really know, I’m just a visitor in this land.
Buenos noches or if you’re in the UK, Buenos dias.