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Money, money money.

August 4, 2014

My recent trip to Spain was fabulous as ever, that being my second home but, Yorkshire will always be my first of course;- Yorkie through and through. Anyway I was so glad to board the flight to the UK ‘cos it was getting hotter and hotter and I understand why most of the Brits living there choose to visit family in the UK late July and August. That said it’s been pretty warm here in Yorkshire until this past few days and it has now thankfully cooled off somewhat. Nothing worse than tossing and turning and not being able to sleep at night! Then I’m not complaining ever again about anything. That decided, having watched the news several times today and it’s all bad of course, we have to be grateful when we sleep in a real bed on a fully belly and, wake up safe next morning to take a shower and eat again. A good old English breakfast or at the very least a bowl of cereal, how blessed we are.

Of course today is a very special day as we think of the great World War – 100 years today – and we think of the horrors of war remembering all those men and women who gave up their lives so that we could have a better life. More about that later I just wanted to say that I was reading an article in one of the Spanish papers just before I left and, oops…I said I would never complain again…well listen to this. ‘Abroad fraud,’ as is called is big! Up 90% in the past three years, Spain is top of the list with nearly 800 cases investigated in the past 12 months alone. Can you believe it that people continue to claim benefit for someone who has died just to mention one fiddle and there’s plenty more. The UK is toughening the rules to crack down on these cheats and so they should, meanwhile listen to the next article that I read.

A 69 year old man claimed he had been mugged and lost his false teeth during the scuffle. He claimed to have been pushed to the ground, pinned down and his wallet stolen. When the police pursued their investigation there were several inconsistencies in the man’s story. Finally he admitted that he had fabricated the whole thing because he needed some new teeth and couldn’t afford them. He had hoped to purchase some from the insurance pay out. Awh!

So money money money we all need it. Some have too much, others not enough. Some work hard and honestly for their money, others beg steal and borrow.

Don’t know about you but I’m gonna be working hard this week and I think sometimes our complaints are justified, don’t you?

So they tell me this is the number to report someone if you know a benefit cheat in Spain. Personally I’m glad I don’t know anyone, then I don’t have to battle with my conscience. #DecisionsDecisionsDecisions

900 554 440 That’s if you’re ringing from Spain of course.

Have a great week.
