Now there’s a thought!
Maybe I should have called this Nanny McKann’s Blog! No I don’t do Grandma, Nanna and most definitely not Granny, but I always thought nanny sounded quite cool. Bearing in mind how many young families have nannies, in fact I had one myself when my children were younger. It was then that I saw the need for child care and set up my own business, which was to take over my life, but with great rewards. And I don’t just mean financial but, memories abundant.
Day nursery/kindergarten, whatever term you use, actually we can celebrate 25 years in business this year. I should be proud and indeed I am but the mere thought of 25 years in business doesn’t bare thinking about. Where did those years go? Indeed! And why am I rambling? This is supposed to be my holiday blog with my amazing little granddaughter so; I should be blogging how to make the perfect sand castle or the best jug of sangria. Well, several days into our 10 day trip, I am still laughing, the beauty of travelling with children.
I have to say even I hadn’t realised just how bright she was until I found her reading my blog on WordPress and she read with a reading level far advanced for her years. I should know as I visit plenty of Year 5 and Year 6 kids and, she can give many of them a run for their money. .Why do we say that? Expressions, I should do a blog on common expressions. S-o-o- I googled it and it has nothing to do with money, “to compete very strongly against someone who is expected to win a competition.”
Anyway, little granddaughter has now decided in between swimming and making mud pies and all the other usual things that 7 year olds do on holiday, she too is going to do a blog.
‘Ten days with nanny’ she has called it. Yes it is started and looking most impressive already. Written from the perspective of a 7 year old, should be interesting! Uhm! One thing is I’ve had to promise to post it for her at the end of the hol. I wouldn’t dare do any other now would I?
So what are we up to know? Well we left the coast and headed inland to rural Spain for a few days, to return to the coast for another short visit before we fly back to the UK. It’s all experience and a learning curve for a young child and, we are very much part of a local community here. With plenty of ex -pats dotted around but, in a rural Spanish village with farmer’s dogs, peacocks, and goats for company. The one most common Spanish expression which I here constantly when we are out and about is “muy guapa,” and they are not talking to me! As if! Drrr… I’m back to that 25 year droll again; I think my guapa days are over, sob sob!
No! I refuse to admit it. Age is a state of mind and has nothing to do with a piece of paper, what do they call it? Perhaps because I’ve been on my own for a few years I just need to get a smart guy in my life. A few years younger than me of course, guapo, intelligent and…..oh forget it! I don’t have the time for dating and probably have more fun with my girlfriends anyway, and granddaughters of course. Yes I have three now, girl power!
We bobbed down to the local shops today after an early morning swim, and the first amusing comment was when she looked at the store which said ‘sleep centre’ on the outside facia.
“Nanny, is that where people stay when the hotel is full?” Bless!
Some shopping – how many stickers does one girl need? – chilling with friends and back to the house to….wait for it…..swim again of course. Think I may just lose that weight this week after all and now I’m having sticker fun too. We might be chasing geckos later with our new pink net…
Weather fab, but take care in the sun.
Chat soon.