Having the inspiration to write and actually writing can feel like light years apart.
Thinking of how many stories I want to tell, the mass of creativity cluttering my head, and yet it still remains there. Filed away!
They say there’s a book in all of us, and indeed there is. Each and everyone of us, be it from the depths of our imagination or life experiences, has something to say. Something to contribute to society, whether it be our own experiences which can encourage and enlighten others, or simply to entertain.
So why don’t we get on with it and write? Sometimes we just simply can’t be bothered. Writing is actually hard work and it’s not something you can just pick up for an hour here and there. We have to get into the zone, the right atmosphere. And that’s why many writers go on retreat to escape from from those irritating daily distractions.
Others who cannot afford such a luxury need to choose those times when the house is empty, or have a designated area which can be used specifically for their purposes. A place where you can leave work spread out, and no one is going to come in and move stuff around.
Harbouring creativity and not releasing it is quite simply sad. If we have it surely we should share it? Can we not at least help or bless others? Another very important fact of course is our own well-being. Writing is therapeutic. How often I have said it releases our own thoughts and frustrations.
So for those of us who try to put pen to paper but still fail. What happens?
Is it the distractions of family life, work commitments and pressures? Or simply our own failing and ability to say that one simple word? NO!
We – or in this case I – just need to say NO. To plan our writing schedule and adhere to it. Oh how I wish I could take my own advice.
So let’s do this thing together. Make sure that everyone knows your writing schedule and stick to it. Above all, don’t be contactable unless it’s an emergency. And switch that flipping mobile phone off.
I have learnt there will always be a writing distraction or some rubbish on TV to divert our attention if we allow it.
So I’m off to plan my April writing schedule.
Chat soon