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OpCartel takes to Twitter to threaten Zetas

November 10, 2011

Mexico's drug gangs are taking to blogs and social networking sites to incite fear and control, it has been reported.

Global hacker group Anonymous, which has been using video streaming websites to threaten gang leaders in recent weeks, occupied a Twitter presence by threatening to expose information on 100 collaborators of Los Zetas, one of Mexico's most savage drug cartels.

Data subversively collected by the hacker organisation has been dubbed OpCartel and is expected to cause friction between both the rival gangs and the US authorities.

The operation was reportedly called off after an Anonymous member was kidnapped by suspected gang members.

In September, the Zetas showed their lack of tolerance of the blogosphere by killing an online writer who contributed to an anti-cartel website.

American police fear that releasing the information on Zetas collaborators could end up creating a hit-list for rival gangs and cause more trouble in the already violent cities of Mexico.

The data acquired by Anonymous was allegedly taken from police databases and is deemed top secret.

Los Zetas cartel has the largest majority in Mexico and operates along most of the country's west coast, the New York Times reports.