In my blog on the 19th August I was talking about comfort zones and stepping out into the unknown and here I go again. After my recent vacation in Spain I’ve been thinking more and more about those challenges and new opportunities that face us, and how we often let them pass by. Why, because we don’t want to leave our comfort zone.
During my vacation – from which I have just returned – and yes I did finish another book, whoop whoop, I was faced with lots of up and coming opportunities leading me to those formidable choices. Am I willing to step out of MY comfort zone? Hum! A horrible thought but I have just become comfortable, really comfortable in so many areas of my life.
Have you ever looked back and wondered what if? Certainly my life would have been completely different if I had not gone to Mexico in 2003. But what about the next chapter of my life, the next season? What about yours?
There are so many new experiences waiting for us and what comes to mind is, that whilst it is important to be grateful for what we have, new experiences are the reason we live.
Don’t you think if we become too satisfied and content life becomes boring and unchallenging, in some ways pointless and empty? Surely the purpose of life is to become all that we were born to be, to experience all that is possible, and achieve something that we can leave behind as a lasting legacy to our children, grandchildren and society.
There is a big world waiting with new friendships, new experiences, possibly even a new love.
I also believe that once we have been through the university of life and can add a few years of wisdom to our cv we can look forward to being more fruitful and productive in our latter years.
Whatever your season be it youth, middle age or other, make the most of it. Enjoy and say yes more often. Imagine how different your life would be if you made a positive effort to say yes to every invitation you received over the next few weeks, instead of no.
Think I’m going to try it, how about you?
Ps If you read my last blog, favourite cocktail. Hum! Feeling comfortable….
Chat soon