A portal for parents to share their views on their children's education has been launched by Ofsted.
Parent View is a new online questionnaire that allows parents and carers to send in feedback about local schools at any time of the year.
According to the schooling regulatory body, the initiative will cover 22,000 schools in England and will generate an important analysis of how education centres are operating and areas where improvements could be made.
The questionnaire will also enable Ofsted to make more informed choices about which schools to prioritise in inspections, which typically take place every four years to see whether the school is performing to the correct standards.
Parents worked with the organisation to develop the new service, which covers a range of topics including quality of teaching, bullying, behaviour and levels of homework.
The survey does not allow for free text responses, but parents and carers will be able to answer a series of dedicated questions thought up by the panel of creators.