07 July 2011 12:00AM
It seems I need to carry on with the theme of perseverance.
I have just attended a children’s and young people’s concert and listened to the most amazing musicians. Local kids, who have practised and practised and practised AND achieved. Hard work undoubtedly gets results. With dedication and commitment some are now members of the National Youth Orchestra, Music for Youth and several bands and choirs, travelling around the country. What a credit to their families. When I met two brothers aged between 9 and 14 who not only competently played musical instruments but had composed their own music. When I met a 15 year old boy who played the violin with such expertise as someone who had played for a decade and a seven year old girl who stood on one leg and sang her heart out. All I could think was I’d take my hat off if I wore one. Why do people say that? Oh! Whatever. What an inspiration and a wonderful example to others. Well done kids. Congratulations.
To the others, as I mentioned in my last blog. Keep believing, keep going and if at first you don’t succeed, try and try again.
God bless