In-keeping with some of my recent blogs and hammering on about a positive attitude, de-cluttering and getting negative people out of our lives I’ve had an interesting few days myself.
Totally unplanned, – but when a friend visited – and during some of that girlie chat that we all love I proceeded to pull a couple of things out of the wardrobe to seek an opinion on a forthcoming function. The end result being; two more huge bags for the charity shop. Isn’t it hard to let go of the past? It was quite an emotional battle, will I wear it again? What if it comes back into fashion? Am I too old for this now? But it was expensive.And so the chat went on.
Now there is a thought pattern that if you have had something for 2 years and not worn it, it’s time to get rid. Also, that as girls we tend to keep wearing our favourite stuff anyway and rarely dig deep into the wardrobe. So, it’s better to have a few lovely comfortable outfits that we wear and enjoy and quite pointless to host a stuffed wardrobe with clothing we will never wear again, or can’t even see and have forgotten it’s even hidden in there. Are most of us bordering on hoarding?
Alas, we came up with the train of thought that as we believed we had reached a crossroads in our lives and were moving into a new season we should consider what type of thingswe see ourselves wearing over the next ten years and, if it didn’t fall into that category, get rid.
Some of the stuff in the bottom of my wardrobe was unbelievable. Was I ever going to wear these shoes again?
In fact did I ever wear them? Not that I can remember. So off to the charity we go… hopefully there is someone who will walk in and be absolutely delighted with my de-cluttering session.
Guess what else happened though this is sad?
I came to the conclusion – yet again – that some people seem to want to stay in their pity pot. I don’t understand why certain people around me continue to moan complain worry, spoil the atmosphere for others and refuse to see the blessings and good things that are quite abundant in their life. This is what I have been saying about negative people, they are so draining. Life is tough and every one of us goes through **** but it is how we deal with it. I am not unsympathetic to others needs but there are real needs and selfism.Isn’t it enough to listen to the news and count our blessings?Yes we would like more but then would we just have more stuff …
My dad always said to me, ‘If I wake up in the morning and the sun is shining and the birds are singing, I’m happy. Awh, bless him!
So the person who I tried to encourage, to show them that worrying was simply making them sick, to explain the truth of the situation and that in actual fact 90% of what people worry about in life never happens. When I tried to be sweet, positive and uplifting – to look at the half full glass and not half empty – that person stormed off having gone into a rage with me and what can I say?
Let’s continue this week to de-clutter our lives and move on with a positive attitude. Let’s focus on our dreams, we all have them. And when we feel like moaning and complaining take a look at the lives of some of the people around us who smile and get on with it, the ones who have every reason to be miserable and negative but are a shining example to us all.
I remember one particular time in my life when I was going through some horrendous stuff and I focused on someone else and helping them. Before I knew it my pain had passed and I had helped someone else too.
And clean out that wardrobe.
Best wishes