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Say no to academy status, campaign states

November 8, 2011

Academies are a drain on educational resources – that is the message being spread by one campaign.

Proposals from the coalition government to give extra funding to schools if they change to academy status have been met with resounding negativity by one group of protesters.

The Anti Academy Alliance, a campaign composed of unions, parents, pupils, teachers, councillors and MPs, suggested that the change is unnecessary and will only lead to more costs which could be used elsewhere.

Pete Jackson, campaigns manager for the alliance, said: "More money has been given to academies than they should be able to take. It has been referred to in a number of different reports and people are experiencing it on the ground."

He added that there is no significant evidence that shows a school performs better when granted academy status and that the government is slow to release figures from lower performing schools.

The National Union of Teachers has also voiced its opinions on the academy proposals and suggested they are not a forward-thinking move.