AnnaMcKann Menu



April 26, 2013



A few days ago I was asked to speak at a self-help group which is taken by our local church and built on similar principles to Alcoholics Anonymous. We watched a short video entitled ‘Hope’ and one thing that we can’t deny is that without hope we would all perish. Although I can’t say that I have ever turned to drink or drugs, I have had to overcome plenty of obstacles and jump lots of painful hurdles in my life. But I have survived and keep going, in spite of life’s adversities.

Sometimes it’s good to share our experiences, to encourage others and, it’s also a great boost ourselves as we look back and realize what we have achieved. Very few people will go through life without suffering or hurting in some way, and it’s how we cope with that, and what we learn from it, that dictates our future. Obviously we can’t change the past but what we can do is make a positive decision not to let it affect or hinder our future.

Sounds easy, of course it isn’t. Life is hard but a positive attitude, a fighting spirit and a little faith makes all the difference.

Two of the questions that I was asked this week were;-‘ Why did you go to Mexico and what prompted you to self-publish?’

I think the question as to why I went to Mexico has been answered on lots of occasions and a quick look at the web site  gives some insight into that.

Meanwhile, with regard to the self-publishing, well that’s a good question. But my first response is that I didn’t just simply self-publish, I actually set up my own publishing company which is quite different. The Chavos books are fiction based on fact and the idea was birthed as a result of my continuing visits to Mexico City. It has always been both my vision and intention to support work with street children and ultimately finance a children’s home/rescue centre for the very young. I have no doubt been given a heart for the abandoned babies, of which there are plenty. Why did I set up my own publishing company when I knew nothing about publishing? The answer is, I felt led to do so. What does that mean? I believe God put it on my heart. You don’t believe in God. Well you will have to read the book that I am going to write – title to be released – shortly, but it is basically about my life. You may just change your mind.

Meanwhile, I am learning about publishing and my intention is to concentrate on children’s books, developing my own Chavos Brand and helping other writers of children’s fiction to get published. It compliments everything else that I do in my life.

Am I happy? Oh yes! Do I have vision? Oh yes! Do I still have problems and **** in my life, of course. But determination and a little bit of faith keeps me moving forward.

So, to answer the second question.  I published;-

1)            To maximise profits and secure a quicker return.

2)            To control my vision and exercise my own creativity.

3)            To retain the freedom of copyright, no restricting contracts, competing clauses etc.

4)            Dead-lines set by me and not another person.

5)            As an author is expected to do all the hard work and market and promote their book(s)  I didn’t see the advantage to do just that, and then take a lesser cut of those profits simply to line someone else’s  pocket.

6)            And there are lots more reasons which I haven’t time to go into now!

What am I going to do with ALL my profits? You guessed it. Feed them into my charity work with children.

I could ramble on for ages this morning but, having just typed up one blog and it corrupted leaving me with no option but to type it again, I now have to sign off and do a mad dash to fit dozens of tasks into a short time slot. Do you ever look back and feel as though you have lived a lifetime in a few weeks? Of course you do! Those seasons sure are strange, and something tells me I have done plenty of planting and I’m just about to see a harvest. Oh my gosh!

Chat soon. Have a nice day.
