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May 10, 2012


08 May 2012 12:00AM


‘¡Serpientes! #@& serpientes. I hate ‘em.’
‘Don’t go on, amigo. Snakes indeed. You mean you saw a snake comprador. Humm, one snake. That’s to be expected here. We’re in rural Spain on top of a mountain, in the middle of nowhere.’
‘Cállate,’ snapped Nick. ‘There was lots of ‘em. Lots of ‘em,’ he repeated alarmingly. ‘They scared the pants off me.’………… Chapter 16 of Chavos 2 – The search for Helga.

A big tough guy like Nick frightened of snakes, never! Now as for me, that’s different. I let out a real shriek yesterday and it was not a shriek of delight, when I was enjoying the sunshine in rural Spain and what crossed my path near enough to touch? Yes you got it in one…a snake. It’s now 24 hours later and I’m still shivering at the thought of it, and what’s worse is that it went into the undergrowth not too far away from my bedroom window. There are bug screens on the windows here, but all I kept thinking of was, what if? Could a snake manoeuvre itself under, around, or above a bug screen? Consequently with that awful image and my mind playing games, I dreamt most of the night about flipping snakes. Dare I tell my mother that she was in the dream and she was holding one, far bigger than the one I had actually seen?  So what’s all that about? She seemed to be quite amused by the whole event and was swinging it around whilst I kept screaming at her to hold it by the neck so it couldn’t keep opening its jaw, hissing and spitting. Do snakes spit? Well this one did in my dream and it was big and fat and ugly and ……Oh my gosh. I hope todays encounters are more pleasant. But do you know what? I then started the day off thinking about the power of the mind and how what we see, and allow to penetrate our minds can affect us s-o-o-o- much. Consequently now instead of doing what I’m meant to be doing I’m researching the effects of TV programming and marketing and those subliminal messages which we download into our subconscious mind daily and don’t even have a clue what’s gone in there.

So how on earth did I get onto that from one grass snake? And I suppose in reality it was more frightened of me than me it!

Have a nice day.
