It’s nearly half way through the year already folks. So perhaps now is a good time to take stock and see if we’re on target for those goals and achievements we planned for 2016.
I love making bucket lists but hate it when I see C.F. on my list at the end of the year. Carried Forward!
I suppose sometimes those things we planned were actually never meant to be. Or perhaps they were unrealistic goals. Then there are the surprises and achievements beyond or expectations. Perhaps in unexpected areas of our lives we surpassed our goals. Of course there will always be the losses, disappointing things that left us with that sad empty feeling. And perhaps grief. I never expected that one!
Whatever, life goes on. We recover, and now perhaps it’s time to re-evaluate. Yes little more than 6 months before we see yet another year out.
So let’s think about the next six months, shall we? Being conscience of what we want helps us to move on. And yes, I have always been a lover of lists. There is something so satisfying about seeing things ticked off.
This year some of the changes I have made have been to prioritise friendships, even let some go entirely. There’s always new ones waiting around the corner and it’s interesting that not many friendships last a lifetime. Not to say that those long lasting friendships aren’t precious but most are seasonal.
One major thing that I learned was to stop saying yes to every social invitation that came my way. Quite frankly I was going out more than I cared, often to things of little interest to me. Since I tackled that one I have had so much more quality time for the things that do matter. One of which of course is my writing.
Yes I’ve also stopped watching crap on television. Though I didn’t watch much before, it’s surprising how much time we lose tuning in.
Since I made changes I seem to have discovered the 8 day week and it’s wonderful.
Other priorities for me have been a healthier lifestyle. Difficult for a chocoholic but I did it. And a renewing of mindset. Our words may be so powerful and our confession important but so is how we think. No point in putting on a happy face but allowing those negative thought patterns to fester in the back of the mind. Think healthy, think beautiful.
And with my new NutriBullet and swimming several times a week I feel decidedly healthier and better than I have in years.
So I’m making smart changes. Are you? Small changes in some cases but which make a BIG difference.
Staying positive and looking forward to the next six months. Hope you are.
Chat soon.