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Sooooooo busy

February 2, 2012

Hi everyone, so much for my last blog and that superb lazy weekend, which in spite of wanting to repeat it, sadly it wasn’t meant to be. I spent hours last weekend going backwards and forwards between airline companies trying to find a suitable flight to Spain, desperately wanting to visit my Spanish friends before the end of February because then I know the madness will start and I will be crazy, crazy busy. Could I find a flight to the right destination that suited both my budget and my time-line? No. Was I able to book one? No. Was I frustrated? Yes.

Will the madness start at the end of February? That’s what I expected however think it’s already begun. Suddenly I’m running around like a headless chicken again. Drrrr what a horrible thought! Why do we have these awful expressions? The worst of course has to be, ‘I killed two birds with one stone,’- poor little things. You know it’s like many of our nursery rhymes and children’s stories; I’m surprised they don’t give our children nightmares rather than entertain them. Talking of nightmares my little granddaughter is staying with me at the moment and woke up in the night saying she was having a nightmare. When I tried to console her and asked what had upset her so she proceeded to tell me that someone had eaten her chocolate cake! Awh Bless! I suppose I would have been none too happy if that had happened to me.

So back to headless chickens or should I say being busy? Life really is a roller coaster isn’t it? The highs, the lows, an empty diary, a chaotic diary. Strange how I seem to start Monday morning with an empty diary and Friday afternoon ends with a full one. Where did all that come from?  One thing which I’ve sorted in the last couple of days is the 2012 Chavos ball. Make sure it’s in your diary- 6th October, Oulton Hall, Leeds. I suppose it’s like anything in life we learn from experience. The 2011 ball was a huge success but this year’s ball is going to be even better, of that I’m sure. Details will be released in April but of course the Mariachis will be there again. Yippee!

So busy, busy, busy this week and just as I prepare for another day at the office and a lovely afternoon tea invitation at the Leeds Civic Hall, with the Lord Mayor I discovered my little puppies Butler and Gracie had devoured a bag of Starbursts. Yes, my granddaughters. Ergh Help.


Chat Soon

Anna x