Well, I woke up this morning to torrential rain in Yorkshire. Glanced at the clock and the luggage stacked by the door, and jumped out of bed with a skip and a hop. Time to have some fun, and who better to take to ensure that, than my seven year old granddaughter, the most amazing little character I have ever known.
Having collected her from a friend’s birthday party yesterday and asking what she had eaten at the party, to get the response, party food nanny! I realised I was in for a fun week. I suppose I did ask a stupid question, what other than party food at a party!
That said, cases packed and a list of do’s and dont’s for the house sitter – bins out Friday, pay window cleaner Tuesday and, take the utmost care of Butler and Gracie they have a list of their own we’re all set to go.
Butler and Gracie of course seem to have other plans and showed great determination in preventing the packing of those cases which was fun until it became annoying. Ultimately they just had to go in the dog-house for a while until we were sorted, though we did let them have half an hour in the garden first, favourite past-time being chasing butterflies. No, they never did catch one but it was fun trying.
The hand-luggage seemed to involve a few changes and as I usually go to Spain with tons of work and reading material, I had my usual stack, to be amused by the first associated holiday remark.
“Nanny, what are you taking all those things for? This is a holiday and you’re not supposed to work on holiday are you?”
“Well I will do some work when you are in bed at night.”
“Nanny, are you crazy? We will be partying every night and you will be too tired to work. It’s a holiday, remember!”
Point taken, and hand-luggage adjusted. Uhm! Out of the mouths of babes.
So, off to the airport. Check in and customs – the usual irritating delights and able to relax. No flight delays, hurray. We’re on our way.
Will keep you posted.