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The New Year

January 2, 2014

So what does one do at the end of yet another year? Reflect on those wondrous moments; look back on those achievements and successes. Perhaps, but then there are others who are glad to see the year end because it had been fraught with heartache and problems. I saw a few such comments on Facebook.

Whatever 2013 meant to you it is past, and now we all need to look forward with hope and optimism. What I would say as words of encouragement are the very things I have written in my own journal and although I have not made resolutions as such, this for me is the way forward.

So, as we step into 2014, don’t let those demons get you down. Yes we all have them in some form or another. Make those changes that you’ve wanted to make and talked about for too long. Be brave enough to invest a part of your heart in something real that brings you pleasure. In other words, follow the path to your dreams and when a door opens don’t be afraid to walk through it. When a ladder appears before you, climb it. Don’t look back, look forward and, when things don’t seem to make sense just keep going. Allow the passage of time to run its course, each season needs to come to fruition.

Trust your decisions, absolute peace being your guide. Speak positive things over your life and your family, because a negative attitude will bring negative results.  More importantly don’t let anyone else’s negativity influence your hopes and dreams.

Don’t measure your success or failure by material wealth but by how you feel. And don’t ever forget how to laugh or be too proud to cry. And remember when bad times come, be patient they will pass. It is only by accepting them that you will fully appreciate the good things in your life.

Get in touch with your spiritual side. We are mind, body and spirit! If you haven’t found God it’s because you didn’t look hard enough. He is surely there for those who seek him.

There’s no better advice than this: just do your best and my prayer is that for everyone who reads this blog, may your needs be met and your dreams fulfilled, as you step boldly and confidently into your future.

Believe in happy endings.

Happy New Year
