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The Weekly Review

February 7, 2014

The last couple of weeks have left me emotional. I suppose there’s ones normal family life with its ups and downs. Some weeks better than others, some weeks more productive than others but, it’s been a great week, in fact so far 2014 is looking positive all round. That said I’m glad the season has changed because last year came and went with its heartaches.

Now I’m not much of a TV buff but I have viewed some heart rendering stuff lately making me sad when I look at the wider world. Isn’t it interesting when you ask people, ‘did you see this and that on TV last night,’ and they answer, ‘I never watch the news, I’m not bothered about what happens elsewhere if it doesn’t affect me.’ How often people live in their own little bubbles and don’t even have empathy for others. Until we hear those infamous words of course, ‘we never expected it to happen to us, things like that don’t happen here!’

Uhm! So what stirred me this week?

Well the channel 4 report on Mexico’s war on drugs was amazing. Is this man ‘La Tuta’ Mexico’s most feared man? I think so! And he used to be a school teacher, can you believe it? Uhm! Tuta said, he and his cartel are a necessary evil and that if they didn’t operate in the area other criminal groups would.

 I wonder why a local reporter can find this man and the Mexican Government can’t? Or does it suit their purposes not to find him? Just a random thought!

My heart is saddened for all those who have had to abandon their homes with the UK flooding situation which continues. Generally in the UK we are very blessed, the forces of nature usually being kind to us, unlike other countries. What did they say, ‘it can’t happen to us.’ Well it can, and it did.

The letters read out on Sky news this morning to our Government ministers, from some of the flood victims were quite heart rendering. I know the feeling I’ve been there, but fortunately for me it didn’t go on for weeks. Yes they’re only material things and more important to have one’s health, but how horrible to be in such a situation.

Last night I watched  the ITV undercover story, Exposure, and how sad to see that children are still being exploited in the rag trade, particularly in Bangladesh  where kids aged as young as 11 are suffering horrendous working conditions and beatings.

On a personal note it is no secret that I am proprietor of a children’s day nursery in Yorkshire and was thrilled when an Ofsted Inspection last week delivered a ‘Good’, bordering on outstanding report. Whoop! Whoop! Well done all. Quite evidently I love children and all that I do in life is child centred whether it is overseeing my business, writing children’s literature or trying to raise money for the charity that I founded to help street children. There are just not enough hours in the day!

Chat soon.
