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Wandering The Streets!

April 25, 2012

Wandering the streets!

27 March 2011 12:00AM

What an interesting day!

After breakfast, I took to the streets exploring. Out early, the city was quiet until mid-day. So I had the perfect opportunity for snapping!

Yes, I got some fab photos for the folk back home. No doubt they will eventually find there way onto facebook.

What a unique and facinating place. Miles of elegant porticos/arcades-perfect if you want to walk in the rain ‘cos you are under cover-a historical centre the likes of which I have never seen. The cathedrals, basilicas and medieval buildings were exquisite. A city which seems to host many international students, with the oldest university ( built in 1088 ) in Europe.

As I sat in the main square people watching, I endeavoured to have a beer and a dish of olives. Most unusual for me. Don’t think I have had a glass of beer for years. Olives, yes! They are a must on my shopping list every week. Supposed to be good for you!

What a feeling of peace and tranquility amongst the hub. But I can’t help wonder. How many of these people gave a thought to the missing 16.000  in Japan this morning? Or the starving children on many of the world’s streets today.

World’s apart! I so enjoyed my few hours roaming around this beautiful city. Just to go back to my room and tune in to – CNN The World’s Untold Stories.

A sad day, or a happy day. You decide.

