18 May 2012 12:00AM
Having just returned from Spain and now ready to go back, then off to Mexico what a quick turnaround. I never did add up my expenditure on air fares and quite frankly I dare not, but needs must!
With the news coming out of Mexico which always seems to be bad these days, I am both saddened and horrified to hear further reports of drug related violence bringing the death toll now, to around 48.000, since 2006. We are told that violence between these criminal groups is a battle for supremacy and turf and is not an attack on the civilian population. If it were that simple! The civilian population are becoming a little afraid. Many tourists don’t want to go to Mexico and some people are hesitant about doing business there. Even I am a bit uncomfortable about my forthcoming trip because sometimes it’s just about being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Such a shame when a country with so much beauty, colour and culture is getting nothing but negative publicity. Mexico has such potential and has been predicted to emerge as a world power over the next 10–15 years and it is rapidly overtaking other team leaders actually in spite of the dark cloud of drug related violence which has overshadowed it.
We are told that employment and industry exports are increasing rapidly and Mexico is so well positioned to export to other parts of Latin America, the Unites States and other world markets. I wonder what will happen in the next few months if this drug war is not resolved. With Presidential elections due on 1st July the Mexicans wait with baited breath to see what will become of the country of which they are so proud. As for me I will continue to write and develop my children’s stories about this beautiful country which holds a little piece of my heart.