27 July 2012 12:00AM
O.K. Thinking about my last blog and the cranky old man, leads me to say;-
What are you doing with your life?
How do you want to be remembered when you go? Or perhaps you don’t care as one person said to me this week. Having said that, isn’t it good to do something useful for humanity and make a difference in this world, than just live for self. I think so…
This is what I wrote when I was in Bologna a couple of years ago and it came straight from my heart, a little rhyme;-
Some People
Some people think I’m dotty
Some people think I’m mad
They certainly shouldn’t comment
If the privilege they’ve never had.
Some people think I’m brave
But, that certainly isn’t true
The fact of the matter is
It’s faith that brings me through.
Those people who really know me
They’ll get to see my heart~
My life hasn’t been easy
Sometimes ‘tis a wonder, I didn’t fall apart.
My life is driven by children
Especially, those in need
I want to make a difference
I pray that one day I’ll succeed.
And if when I meet my maker
My epitaph it will read
She certainly made a difference
Truly I’ll be happy, blessed indeed.
Anna McKann