Chatting to an old friend yesterday who said he enjoyed reading my blogs I realised I hadn’t done one for a while, but more than anything I began to think why do I actually blog? Why does anyone blog? People blog for a variety of reasons and some make a living out of it but they are few and far between. In my case I simply see it as a great opportunity to empty those thoughts from my head whilst giving me the opportunity to share great experiences, offer support and encouragement to others and, last but not least have a moan. Yes, we all need a moan occasionally, don’t we?
That said, I usually try to be positive and kick out those negative thoughts but is it being negative when we disagree with something? Some people seem to think so, with certainty I do not. It’s a free society, well supposed to be and in the last week or so I have had a moan about the continuing saga with Maddie McCann’s parents because quite frankly I’m sick of hearing about them. What about all the other missing kids? And there are plenty of them!
I really have to have my say about this case especially in the light of the tragic incident recently with the death of Brenda Leyland.
We should be allowed to voice our opinion though I would never advocate constant tweeting or harassment, however I will never understand how you can be accused of harassment on twitter if you are not on twitter and apparently the McCann’s aren’t.
Whatever happened there? Meanwhile, I think it’s a great injustice that they weren’t prosecuted for neglect in the first place and I haven’t met anyone yet who doesn’t think that the case stinks and, there is some sinister cover up. Research it for yourself but there is plenty of evidence against the McCann’s and in my opinion the case should be reopened and them hauled in for further interrogation.
There I said it!
So whilst I’m venting my anger I’m horrified to hear that 43 students from poor farming communities in Southern Mexico disappeared at the end of September most of which are now suspected dead. They were allegedly hauled off by corrupt police and cartel members just before a peaceful demonstration, and graves recently found indicate mass murder. That and the continuous atrocities in the Middle East-how sick this world is.
Even ugly scenes in the Rugby League Grand Final as Ben Flower gave one of the other players a nasty punch twice, in what used to be described as a gentleman’s game infuriated me.
So he’s a great role model for our kids isn’t he?
So on a happier note I visited a fab school last week and have promised to go back and do some activities with them. Year 5 and 6, great kids! Spent a couple of days at an exhibition, tiring that was. Then ended the week with plenty of fresh air and exercise. Yes I walked around the local country park several times at the weekend, no less than 10 miles in total, did some editing on my next novel and even found time for a touch of decorating.
All in all a great weekend and thanking God for my blessings. Too many people suffering in this world and my heart is stirred to pray for some of them.
Chat soon