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February 17, 2015

It seems that I started my blog on February 3rd with ‘Good Morning writers’ and here I am again particularly speaking to all those writers out there.

I was in the company of someone recently who said that writing was easy, to quote ‘that’s not work it’s a hobby, you can’t call that stressful.’ Hum! Anyone out there working towards a deadline? Anyone out there with writers block and needs to sell some short stories to pay the bills? Well get on with it, writing is easy isn’t it? The big question is what sort of a writer are you? No, I’m not talking about genre. But do you write for pleasure or a living? Are you one of those people that has writing antennae on the tops of their heads that are rarely switched off? My own experience is that writing has to come from the heart, one has to be inspired and inspiration usually comes from travelling and time out from an otherwise busy schedule. Are you one of those writers that can’t write at home? Too many distractions and you just have to get away. A dear friend of mine who lives nearby said that he goes to coffee shops. Any coffee shop, anywhere but has to get out of the house. Didn’t JK Rowling write her first novel in a coffee shop? Now that leads me onto another train of thought. Who would you most like to meet and why? If you had the choice of three people, who would they be? Well I supposed you guessed I would say JK as one of mine but Carlos Slim and Mel Gibson have to come close. Why Carlos? Because he is the richest man in the world of course and I would love to chat with him and see how he spends his money. Mel because I would like him to make Chavos into a movie. And then I might just have to drop JK and replace with Andrew Lloyd Webber. Yes yes yes, because I would like him to put Chavos the Musical on stage. So dream on as they say and it’s important to have those dreams. As long as we keep our feet on the ground and don’t fantasise too much. Hum! I just got an idea for a story! Keep writing comrades. Chat soon. Anna.
